来源:互联网新闻 时间:2017-07-13 22:53
新华网8月30日电 据美国科技博客Gizmodo报道,网友@Ev_Leaks近日在Twitter上发布了一张三星智能手表Galaxy Gear后台管理程序的截图,让大家对这款将于9月4日正式发布的三星智能手表有了更进一步了解。若该截图的真实性可靠,那么这款智能手表的使用将严重依赖智能手机。
此前有消息传出,Galaxy Gear将使用NFC和蓝牙技术,很容易就能与智能手机或平板电脑连接配对。连接成功后,用户需要在智能手机上对手表进行操控,例如设置屏显时间或者使用智能手表所支持的APP。由此可见,用户与智能手表的直接互动并不会很多,更多的还是直接操作手机,而手表只是一个获取手机内部信息的“第二渠道”。
那么图中所显示的这些菜单又是用来做什么的呢?这取决于智能手表与什么设备相连。此外,“寻找我的手表”这一功能至少告诉了我们Galaxy Gear应该配备有GPS。不过这一功能也让人们不禁发笑,似乎我们又有数码产品要丢了。
Samsung Smartwatch Leak Suggests It\'ll Be a Dashboard for Your Phone
The frequently reliable Ev_Leaks Twitter account just posted a pair of screenshots that give us a peek at the setup app for Samsung Galaxy Gear, which Samsung is set to announce on September 4th. If these Gear Manager shots are real, the smartwatch will likely rely heavily on your phone do anything.
If we believe the shots, they confirm that Galaxy Gear will come with NFC and Bluetooth, which the smartwatch will use for easy pairing with your phone or tablet. (You can connect manually as well.) Once paired, it looks as if you\'ll use the phone to configure most everything that the watch will be doing—from setting the display time to tinkering with whatever apps the smartwatch supports. This leads us to believe that you won\'t be interacting too much with the watch itself—it\'ll be mostly a way to access information from your phone. That would make sense, given that Galaxy Gear is likely to have limited screen real estate.
What will the apps behind those tantalizing menu items actually do? Well that all depends what other instruments the hardware has on board. The Find My Watch app would seem to indicate that at the very least it\'ll have GPS. Find My Watch made us chuckle. As if we need another gadget to lose at the bar.
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